Wheathampstead Wanderers was formed in 1990 by a small group of families from the village to promote and support youth football for the benefit of children and young people in Wheathampstead and surrounding areas. Starting as a single team there were three or four the following season and we just kept on growing. Today we are an FA Charter Standard Club, granted in 2008, with over 500 boys and girls playing football plus a men's and ladies team.
In those early days the teams played at the village primary schools, Beech Hyde and St Helens, before setting up home at Butterfield Road around 1993. We now also have playing fields and an astroturf pitch available at Marford Road.
The ethos of our founder members remains. We desire to create a positive environment based on mutual respect, a sense of fair play and good sportsmanship, rather than a “win-at-all-costs” attitude. We will be magnanimous in victory, dignified in defeat
Miles Briggs milesbriggs@hotmail.com
Vice Chairman
Matt Grinyer mattgrinyer@gmail.com
Club Membership & Admin
Kathryn Briggs wwfc.membership@gmail.com
Steve Whittle treasurer.wwfc@gmail.com
HDL League Secretary (U7-U11)
Gerry Morgan gerrymorgan1960@gmail.com
HGFPL League Secretary (Girls)
Karen Standen kstanden.wwfc@outlook.com
FA Charter Standard Coordinator
Gareth Moors gareth.moors@gmail.com
West Herts Youth League Secretary (U12-U18)
Miles Briggs milesbriggs@hotmail.com
Welfare Officer
Al Ware albert1ware@hotmail.com
Facilities Officer
Aaron Grey wwfc.facilities@gmail.com
Kit & Equipment Officer
Gerry Morgan gerrymorgan1960@gmail.com
Fundraising Officer
Sam Brooks wwfc.communityteam@gmail.com
FA Secretary
Sam Berg sam.berg@s2estates.com
Football Development Officer
Aaron Grey aaron.grey@icloud.com